Do you ever imagine to stay or just visit a city that not too big with the cool air, the friendly peoples and surrounding by green mountains? Imagine. When you arrived, you will be presented with interesting views plus a great welcome of the society, like feel a rural atmosphere but this is a city. Yes, that’s our city, Bandung. In addition to the cool air, the friendly peoples and surrounded by green mountains that Bandung is also famous with the history. Many buildings and historical relics will be found in this city. So Bandung also referred to as Paris van java scilicet a cities like Paris (France) located in Java. There is one Dutch’s statement in Indonesia colonial period, “don’t be died, before come to Paris van java“. Really fantastic.
Doesn’t end until there, Bandung has still many other potentials. One of the other potentials is the creativity. We always saying to you, if You Want talk about Bandung, you must to talk about creativity. This city is really creative, the fact of Bandung creativity was when we became a clothing pioneer and indie band in Indonesia. The city has many large clothing producer in Indonesia with various brands and characteristics. Talking of indie band,the band from Bandung who do recording their songs for first time in Indonesia . Now, so many indie bands in Bandung. So don’t be wonder, if Bandung always identified with one word, creativity.
Speaking of creativity, in a new year every one would expect better things. We had get it, something done by creative teenagers in Bandung. It came from one of the best senior high school in our town,SMAN 2 Bandung. They presenting an evidence to us, that they also feasible to be called as a teenagers of Bandung because they are also creative. Creativity in Bandung has always identic with teenager. Through a excited event and effort, they presented something a different from that do other senior high schools to us. From Two With Love is the name to their event.
From Two With Love (F2WL) is an annual event held SMAN 2 Bandung. This event contains the meaning of a love that are served from the Two (SMAN 2 Bandung) that are served to you all. Then we will explain to you, how a love from Bandung and SMAN 2 make a thing be interesting. From Two With Love is held for the first time in 1993 at Gedung Gelora Saparua Bandung. Initiated by their predecessors, Dewi Lestari and Candil (Seurieus Band). In the early emergence of F2WL is only represents a art performances, but it is a new thing on this time, because some events such as art performances are rarely in Bandung. Contrary to there is now.
For next years, From Two With Love comes with an another thing. In addition art performances are also business bazaar. Bazaar and art performances held in turn every year. appearance art performed in Gedung Gelora Saparua Bandung, while Bazaar conducted at their school at Jl. Cihampelas no 173 Bandung. In 2002, they held a combined of business bazaar and art performances in an event. On the event, they managed to present Dani Achmad Band, Ratu, Peter Pan,Burger Kill, Tompi, Maliq D’essentials, The Groove, Andien, Nine Ball,Seurieus Band, Warna, Seringai, Superman Is Dead, and there are also their band audition, the changchuters . F2WL had been declared the best schools art performances in Indonesia the version of Global TVand Majalah Hai. Meanwhile, in 2006 F2WL with the theme “Global Beat” achieved most visitors 20.000 people. Then in 2008 with the theme “Level 2 : It’s Hard 2 be over“, achieved visitors more than 18.000 people.
In 2009, for the first time F2WL held out of their school. F2WL 2009 was held at Sasana Budaya Ganesha(SABUGA) Bandung, a large building devoted to the show and other big events from Institute Technology Bandung (ITB). Due to the limited capacity of the building, visitors that year less into 4000 people. But it more better because it was held inside a building with the quality sound of music that is different than the outside of building. The next year, F2WL re-done in Sabuga Jl. Tamansari Bandung. For that years F2WL named is two thumbs up. The event was very successful, with presenting band that has a good quality in Indonesia. They are Maliq & D’Essential, Alexa, Superman Is Dead, Shaggy Dog, Seringai, The Banery was successfully presents a interesting entertainment for Bandung society. It is mark a love and creativity.

Now, in new 2011. Still with the same atmosphere, the cool air, friendly peoples and the area surrounded by green mountains and a strong history. SMA N 2 Bandung yang had From Two With Love that they re-presenting a warm love for us guys, like a cup of hot tea in the morning, their love give is so refreshing for us. In this year, they give name of their event is Twice Upon A Time and still located in Sabuga Jl. Tamansari Bandung. They tried to continue the history that has been owned of their schools.
Twice Upon A Time be held on January 15, 2011, by presenting many exciting performances from local indie bands and bands that already had names in Indonesia. There are two stages to entertain visitors who attended the event. Main Stage of taste in the main building Sabuga, and the second stage was in front of the building before the entrance. The strict security been felt upon entering the yard Sabuga. Each congenital visitors checked to ensure that no mistakes because this is a big event. Front area of the building used as a bazaar, you can get both that provide many good thing such as food, drink or anything, mainly creation for student of SMA N 2 Bandung.
From Two With Love 2011 : Twice Upon A Time was started at 11.00 WIB (Waktu Indonesia Barat), start with the opening performance from “Gending Kulonan Indonesia“, followed by the performances from “May Way” and “Attack This Town“. Then after the break dzuhur pray, followed by the performances from “Kiss Bye Bray“, next still done at the main stage, there performances from “Forbia“, after the performance of forbia followed by the performance of “Gaspoll” and “Off Her Drive“. Then in the main stage in a sequence featuring “Goodless Sympthoms“, “JuicyLuicy” and “Pispot“. Next the performance of duo rock n roll who play drums and guitar, their brother. They are “The Experience Brother“, in every their performance used to offer music that has power. We’ve ever had it, when we come to Kickfest Bandung 2010.
After Break Azhar Pray continued with the performance “Vocal Group 2” is one of the students activity to fill in free time in SMA N 2 Bandung. Next the performances was “Angsa dan Serigala” a unique band because they had a lot of personnel and playing different kinds of music instrument, there are trumpet, trombone, violin, kulele (small guitar) and even they also play fianika. Angsa dan Serigala consists of Araji(guitar/vocals), Meyga (pianika/vocals), Jake (bass), Danny (guitar),Ardit (keyboards), Popy (drums), Irwan (trumpet), Hamdan (trombone),Angkuy (glockenspiel), and Afifa (violin). They provide a lot of songs about social. They displayed some of their songs, for the song “Detik dan Waktu” a collaboration with Rumah Seni 2, a community youth development of creativity in the SMA N 2 Bandung. When Angsa dan Serigala played their mainstay song by title “Sebuah Konklusi“, many audience cheering getting it.
The audience had many to come. The next performance of a band from Bekasi (West Java), the trees and the wild are they. “The Tress and The Wild” used to play music with basic acoustics. Acoustic guitar in their vocals felt influence. In F2WL Twice Upon A Time they play some of their flagship song as Our Roots, Berlin, Range. Their music was so giving a new color in the world of Indonesian music. Finally the performances from The Trees And The Wild ended with their hits “Derau dan Kesalahan“, with they typical music.
Next performance is a different thing, if it is rarely that perform reggae music in a student music event in Bandung, but now we’ve got it. They are Coffe Reggae Stone. They represent reggae music to play at a big event like F2WL. Coffe Reggae Stone is a band that originated from Cicalengka, a region in southern Bandung. They started from a hobby to play reggae music because a lot of rage in their area. “Stone” from their name does not mean Stone (Batu), but have a sense of cigarettes. Cigarettes in their communities commonly called stone. So the name coffee stone reggae show they are always close to reggae music, coffee and cigarettes.
Coffe Reggae Stone formed since 29 May 2005. They had changed personnel several times, but now Coffe Reggae Stone consists of Ridho(vocals), Bedu (Keyboards), David and Naho as a guitar player, Adi(drums) and Doris as a Bass player. Reggae which they used to play are powerful reggae which is one type of reggae with a little music powerful and strong. They were one of band reggae ever enter to the compilation album of L.A Indiefest for the event exist, they do that in 2009. In F2WL Twice Upon A Time they played four of their songs. Their performances started with song “Cahaya“, it is a new song and it is the first time this song played, but we feel has been used to hear the song, it is a statement to creativity. Cahaya a little slow, next song “Demon” of their songs in compilation LA Light Indiefest.. Third song is “Hening” sounds very powerful and strong. “Pasir Putih” is a cover song performances from reggae coffee stone, we made like to enjoyed music on the beach with white sand.
The next performances we was get Sarasvati featuring Karinding Attack. Risa Saraswati is a real name of Sarasvati, she is a solo singer from Bandung. Risa had been a vocalist Homogenic, but eventually chose to solo careers. Risa released his first mini album entitled “Story of Peter” in the month of july 2010. Sarasvati had usually offers music with a mysterious sound. While Karinding Attack was a group that playing Karinding. Karinding inflatable music is a tool from Sunda (West Java). Karinding produce such as “plop tlop” with a distinctive sound. Karinding also known to had strong mystical power. The first song that brought Sarasvati feat. Karinding Attack titled “Perjalanan“. Then continued with “Fighting club” and “Oh i never know” can make the audience was silent, and we shudder. It’s very mystical. The next song is “bilur“, one mini-album hits the Sarasvati. Bilur was taken from the word “Belur” a deep wound sundanese means or symbolizes a deep sorrow. The stage performances from Sarasvati also presents a singer named M. Tulus and some other singers. Finally, a mystical appearance of Sarasvati Feat. Karinding Attack closed with the song “Tiga Titik Hitam“.
The next time was the turn of Efek Rumah Kaca perform on the stage. They are one of our favorite bands. The songs they always fill our playslist. Intelligent band that brought a new style into world of Indonesia music little recent years. Music that idealist and a sharp liryc is their typical. So until now though already famous, they still choose to independent. Efek Rumah Kaca consists of Cholil Mahmud (Vocals and Guitar),Yunan Faizal (Bass) and Akbar Bagus Sudibyo (drums). However, for performances in 2011 F2WL Yunan Faizal could not come because being sick. They claimed to have been busy preparing their third album of material that will be released this year. Cholil said for their new album, which will slightly shift the color of music, but will not be noticeable. Lets wait it.
Performance of Efek Rumah Kaca start with a song from their second album titled “Tubuhmu membiru, tragis” a jazzy song but it contains many social message. We often likens this song as a motivation for living. The second song was “Ballerina“, a song that nge-beat and fast but still cheerful. Still contains messages about life. The stage performances from Efek Rumah Kaca continue with the song “Jangan bakar buku“, this song sounds a bit slowly but will be felt into social. Next song titled “Kenakalan remaja di era informatika“, the audience to sing along with this song, because this song had long become hits. Then the interesting performances from Efek Rumah Kaca continued with the song “Hujan jangan marah“, the song slowly and talked about the fear of an angry nature. Followed by the song “Mosi tidak percaya” one again we were served fast and powerful song, making F2WL roared because delight to get it. The next song is the best in our opinion, because the song was specially made to commemorate Munir, a humanitarian activist who died when the flight was because be given poison. The song is titled “Di Udara“. Many audience are also following this song, because they memorized. Finally all performance for Efek Rumah Kaca was closed with the song “Hujan di bulan desember”. Surely, this has not been satisfactory because before all the songs from them, but we still hope we can meet with Efek Rumah Kaca next time and tell you.
In addition to creative had made the event success, SMA N 2 Bandung also had other pride, that they still have Rumah Seni 2. Well, the next performances was from Rumah Seni 2, was a community of teenagers who like creativity, based on SMA N 2 Bandung. They have many activities such as ensemble music, theater, angklung, choirs and many more. When F2WL 2011 they present a few songs such as “hymns SMA N 2 Bandung” and “When you believe” a song from Whitney Houston feat. Mariah Carey. SMA N 2 Bandung are already commonly trained to be creative.
Next time was Tompi. He is a doctor who comes from Aceh. It has long been one of the recesses of the heart fill the Indonesian music lovers, with a distinctive voice and excellent musical instincts he had produced many songs. Jazz is a music that always display. We have got many times to get him stage in Bandung, Kampoeng Jazz 2010, Jazzylicous 2010. It was the perfect singer with a high technical skill. He came to F2WL Twice Upon A Time with him best player. Audience meet stage because they wanted to see him performances clearly.
The first song from Tompi was “L.O.V.E“, though he showed the skill he has to compete vocal tone with the drummer. The second song was “Tak pernah setengah hati“, a song that was so serene and contains tough love. Background of the original video clip of this song make the audience sing along. Next was a song from Sherina titled “Geregetan” is amended by Tompi distinctive style. The next song is “Aku jatuh cinta“, this is a new hits from Tompi, many audience who sang with him, they memorize this song. Next tompi rendition sm*sh titled “I heart you“. Followed by mainstay Tompi song entitled “Menghujam jantungku“, every personnel showed skill in this song, even Tompi voice sounds different. He plays the voice skills. Tompi is the last song from “Sedari dulu” but changed rather quickly. He was always making progress at every stage that attend, we can get a good singing technique as Tompi.
If you fans of Indonesian music, especially Rock, don’t ever ask to us about Netral and you can skip this part. Because we was believe you know everything about Netral. Netral was formed on November 11, 1992. In the early appearance of netral Bagus dhanar dhana (Bagus) as bass player and vocalist. Gabriel Bimo Laksono (Bimo) as drummer and Ricy dayandani as a guitar player. On March 26, 1999 Eno Gitara Riyanto (Eno) joining after Bimo left Netral. In 1999 Neutral loss Ricy, but they get a replacement, Chistopher Bollemeyer (Coky) as their guitar player. This formation has survived until now. Netral means free, without limitation, positive, and never take sides on what and whoever, just siding with himself and above all of course God Almighty. Provide a natural color to the music that their listeners. Netral with the launch of many albums, even “Putih“ their album in 2005 is one of favorite albums for us. Their color is the energetic music, they always make the atmosphere their stage felt warm.
When From Two With Love 2011 we assess Netral was making hot atmosphere. They didn’t have long performance in our city. Their fans as I thirst for their presence. Audience meet to the stage was to sign them is awaited. Their performance start with a song “I Love You” make relieved the old longing to hear feel the nuances of punk rock music. Follow with the song “Cinta Gila“, in addition from two (SMA 2) turned out to Netral come presenting a love for their fans. Eno Neutral’s drummer began to open her shirt to continue the third track, entitled “Hari yang indah“. Then came the song “Lintang” ost. Laskar pelangi. We can feel the spirit who wants Netral spread to SMA N 2 student. Next turn to the audience sang along with the song “Pertempuran Hati“, a song which had long been our favorite. Finally, what is anticipated to come, a song that enhance the flavor of the Indonesian nationalist. The song is titled “Garuda di dadaku“. The spirit that they show very great when singing it, the audience too. Bagus and Coky also played percussion. They finally closed Their performances are F2WL 2011 with a greeting of respect.
Finale to all performance of F2WL 2011 : Twice Upon A Time was the performance of Gigi. The band was approaching age 17 this year seem so mature in their music. Guitar played by Dewa Budjana felt very touch. He began their performance with a song Ost. Sang pemimpi titled “Sang Pemimpi“. The film tells the struggle of the life of a senior hight school student, this song really fit with the event, the student crowd. The next song was “Bohong“. Then continued with two tracks from the requests of SMA N 2 Bandung, that song was “Janji” and “Nirwana”. The song was created 17 years ago, is the song at the beginning of their emergence. When getting “11 January“, a song very romantic by Gigi, all the audience to sing along. That is evidence of a band’s fame. Finally the look of teeth closed with the song “Ya ya ya“. Their performances was very lively and qualified.
All happy, all enjoy the things that are presented by From Two With Love 2011. Enjoying a beautiful event in a beautiful place like bandung, so delicious. A typical creativity bandung, wrapped with great love making F2WL 2011 with the name event Twice Upon A Time was very successful. We must wait new thing for the next time, which may be offered in different form. See you at From Two With Love next years. Yay!
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